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Student Government

The executive branch of the student government consists of the Executive Director of Student Affairs (a senior), the Executive Vice President of Student Affairs (a junior), and two administrative assistants (one freshman and one sophomore). The class officers (president, vice-president, secretary, and treasurer), two senators from each grade, and two student school board representatives make up the rest of the student council.
The student government facilitates communication within the school among the classes and between the students and the administration. Class officers are leaders of class activities.
Elections for all offices (except those in the freshman class) take place each spring. Freshman elections take place early in the fall. Students wishing to pursue a seat on the student council submit petitions of support from classmates and prepare campaign speeches that they deliver at a town meeting. Primary and final elections determine representatives.

2023-24 Student Government Officers

Executive Branch

Student Affairs Sponsor: Mrs. Kathy Pearsall

Executive Director of Student Affairs: Sydney Goldenberg

Executive Vice President: Kaya Denhardt

Student Representatives to the Board of School Directors: Sofie Jubelirer (12th) and Nikolas Bryant (11th)

Class of 2024

President: Finn Ryan

Vice-President: Angel Flores

Secretary: Rona Liu-Zhong

Treasurer: Zoe Margolies

Senators: William Meyer and Caroline Wildt

Faculty Sponsors: Wendy Greenawalt and Joseph Funk

Class of 2025

President: Amelia Hilbert

Vice-President: Sumin Oh

Secretary: Meera Singh

Treasurer: Juwon Yoo

Senators: Howard Feng and Sebastian Fitzgerald

Faculty Sponsors: Jordan Fink and Amber Isernia

Class of 2026

Administrative Assistant: Anna LaVine

President: Isabella Bucci

Vice-President: Veer Gaur

Secretary: Haeun Cho

Treasurer: Dylan Feher

Senators: Ali Jubelirer and Arav Gaddameedi

Faculty Sponsors: Michelle Wetzel and Amy Wildey

Class of 2027

Administrative Assistant: Eli Knight

President: Natalie Tyburski

Vice-President: Arabella Steel

Secretary: Ani Harper

Treasurer: Isabella Steel

Senators: Addison Buckley and Kayla Tilghman

Faculty Sponsors: Chet Eagles and Chad Gaiser