National Honor Society
The National Honor Society (NHS) is the nation's premier organization established to recognize outstanding high school students.
More than just an honor roll, NHS serves to honor those students who have demonstrated excellence in the areas of Scholarship, Leadership, Service, and Character. These characteristics have been associated with membership in the organization since its beginning in 1921.
On November 7, 2024, the Radnor Chapter of NHS inducted 114 Radnor seniors and juniors.
National Honor Society Pledge
I pledge to maintain my high scholastic standing,
To hold as fundamental and worthy
An untarnished character,
To endeavor intelligently and courageously
To be a leader,
And to give of myself freely in service to others.
In so doing, I shall prove myself worthy
Of a place in the National Honor Society.
View the full photo gallery from this year's RHS NHS Induction ceremony here!
2024-2025 Officers
President - Benji Lo
Vice President - Lexi Brennan
Secretary - Layla Schultz
Treasurer - Juwon Yoo
Faculty Advisor
Mr. Aaron Kim
Only juniors and seniors who have a cumulative GPA of 3.8 or above and received a letter in homeroom may submit a Candidate Information Packet for membership into Radnor High School's Chapter of National Honor Society.
Learn More About NHS
The National Honor Society (NHS) is the nation's premier organization established to recognize outstanding high school students. More than just an honor roll, NHS serves to recognize those students who have demonstrated excellence in the areas of scholarship, service, leadership, and character. These characteristics have been associated with membership in the organization since its beginning in 1921.
Today, it is estimated that more than one million students participate in NHS activities. NHS chapters are found in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, many U.S. territories, and Canada. Chapter membership not only recognizes students for their accomplishments, but challenges them to develop further through active involvement in school activities and community service.
The National Association of Secondary School Principals (NASSP) officially established NHS in 1921. Though many local and regional honor societies existed prior to 1921, no nationwide organization had been founded. Under the leadership of Dr. Edward Rynearson, principal of the Fifth Avenue High School in Pittsburgh, the organization grew from the original Alpha Chapter at the Fifth Avenue School to more than 1,000 chapters by 1930.
Equipped with a constitution, an emblem and motto, and a group of dedicated principals as coordinators, the new NHS organization quickly developed into one of the country's leading educational groups. Four main purposes have guided chapters of NHS from the beginning: to create enthusiasm for scholarship; to stimulate a desire to render service; to promote leadership; and to develop character in the students of secondary schools. These purposes also translate into the criteria used for membership selection in each local chapter.
Character, Service and Leadership
National Honor Society is a member of the Character Counts! Coalition. Through this activity, the society supports and recommends the use of a multi-faceted definition of character known as the “Six Pillars of Character.” A person of character demonstrates the following six qualities: respect, responsibility, trustworthiness, fairness, caring, and citizenship. Schools are encouraged to take this model, modify it to meet their local needs, and utilize it frequently in the work of their chapter.
In addition, it can also be said that the student of character:
- Takes criticism willingly and accepts recommendations graciously
- Consistently exemplifies desirable qualities of behavior (cheerfulness, friendliness, poise, stability)
- Upholds principles of morality and ethics
- Cooperates by complying with school regulations concerning property, programs, office, halls, etc.
- Demonstrates the highest standards of honesty and reliability
- Regularly shows courtesy, concern, and respect for others
- Observes instructions and rules, is punctual, and faithful both inside and outside the classroom
- Has powers of concentration, self-discipline, and sustained attention as shown by perseverance and application to studies
- Manifests truthfulness in acknowledging obedience to rules, avoiding cheating in written work, and showing unwillingness to profit by the mistakes of others
- Actively helps rid the school of bad influences or environment.
Service is generally considered to be those actions taken by the student which are done with or on behalf of others without any direct financial or material compensation to the individual performing the service. In considering service, the contributions this candidate has made to school, classmates, and community, as well as the student's attitude toward service can be reviewed.
The student who serves:
- Volunteers and provides dependable and well organized assistance, is gladly available, and is willing to sacrifice to offer assistance
- Works well with others and is willing to take on difficult or inconspicuous responsibilities
- Cheerfully and enthusiastically renders any requested service to the schoolIs willing to represent the class or school in inter-class and inter-scholastic competition
- Does committee and staff work without complaint
- Participates in some activity outside of school- for example: Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, church groups, volunteer services for the elderly, poor, or disadvantaged
- Mentors persons in the community or students at other schools
- Shows courtesy by assisting visitors, teachers, and students.
The leadership criterion is considered highly important for membership selection. Some Faculty Councils may wish to interpret leadership in terms of the number of offices held in school or community organizations. It is important to recognize that leadership also exists outside elected positions, including effective participation in other co-curricular activities offered on campus. Leadership roles in both the school and community may be considered, provided they can be verified.
A leader:
- Is resourceful in proposing new problems, applying principles, and making suggestions
- Demonstrates initiative in promoting school activities
- Exercises positive influence on peers in upholding school ideals
- Contributes ideas that improve the civic life of the schoolIs able to delegate responsibilities
- Exemplifies positive attitudes
- Inspires positive behavior in others
- Demonstrates academic initiative
- Successfully holds school offices or positions of responsibility; conducts business effectively and efficiently; demonstrates reliability and dependabilitIs a leader is the classroom, at work, and in other school or community activities
- Is thoroughly dependable in any responsibility accepted
- Is willing to uphold scholarship and maintain a loyal school attitude.
Selection Process
Selection to the National Honor Society is a privilege awarded to selected students based on criteria established by the local chapter in compliance with national guidelines. Students do not apply for membership in the National Honor Society; instead, they provide information to be used by the local selection committee (herein, the Faculty Council) to support their candidacy for membership. This is not an election; however, neither is membership automatically conveyed simply because a student has achieved a specified level of academic performance.
In September of the Academic Year:
- Eligible 11th grade and 12th grade students (those with a minimum cumulative 3.8 GPA) are provided an invitation letter to apply to the National Honor Society from the adviser, via their homeroom teacher. *NOTE: No further consideration of academics is permitted under NHS guidelines. Therefore, class rank and GPA are not provided to the Faculty Council.
- The application packet is available from the chapter adviser via this website only. Hard copies are available via request only.
- Candidates are responsible to complete all sections of the application, including verification of the letters of recommendation and/or character references.
- All documents must be submitted in person to Mrs. Peterson by the posted deadline. ABSOLUTELY NO extension will be granted under any circumstances. Incomplete applications will be given NO further consideration. Illness; Vacations; College trips; "Last minute" technology errors; Incomplete forms; Forgotten forms; Forgotten emails and any/all other reasoning for a late application are NOT EXCUSED. THERE ARE NO EXCEPTIONS TO THE DUE DATE/TIME.
- After submission, all applications are forwarded to the Faculty Council. The Faculty Council is a five member ad-hoc committee that meets to consider each application for membership. The NHS Advisers serve as facilitating, non-voting members of the committee.
- The following process will be used to evaluate each applicant:
- The criteria of Leadership, Character and Service are evaluated using a four point rubric (available here). Additionally, Council members discuss the candidate's essays which are also scored on the rubric.
- The Faculty Council deliberates on the merits of each applicant’s leadership, character, and service, as provided in the application packet.
- A vote is taken on each candidate after all rubrics and discussions are complete.
- Membership will be offered to those candidates receiving a majority vote by the five member Faculty Council. All votes are final.
- Students do not receive their applications back.
- The following process will be used to evaluate each applicant:
- After the Faculty Council, all candidates are notified in writing, via homerooms, of the results of the selection process. Successful applicants and their families are invited to become a member of the National Honor Society, and
- Successful applicants must participate in the induction ceremony to be considered an official member of the National Honor Society. Attendance is mandatory, so please plan on attending. The ceremony takes place in October in the Radnor High School Auditorium.
Disciplinary Process
"Members should understand fully that they are subject to dismissal if they do not maintain the standards of scholarship, leadership, service, and character that were used as a basis for their selection.”
HS - National Membership Guidelines
At the end of each marking period, cumulative grades of NHS members will be reviewed to ensure that each member is maintaining the required minimum cumulative 3.8 GPA.
If a member should fail to maintain this average, a five-step process is immediately initiated:
- An academic warning will be delivered, via homeroom, by the chapter adviser(s).
- If the student’s average is not brought up to the required GPA by the next report card period, the member will be placed on probationary status. Written notification will be provided by the adviser to the student and Principal. During this probationary period, the NHS member is required to attend peer tutoring weekly and to make clear effort to improve grades. The student must submit copies of interim reports to the adviser to verify improvement.
- If, after two consecutive marking periods, an NHS member does not attain the required GPA cumulative average, the member must meet with the Adviser(s) to appeal for continued membership, and present clear, compelling, and comprehensive evidence explaining the failure to maintain the GPA. adviser(s) will consider this evidence, and discuss further action with the student, up to and including dismissal.
- Written notification of the date, time and location of the appeal meeting will be provided via homeroom to the student at least five (5) school days in advance, with the default meeting time to be 2:45 PM on a regular school day.
- Student need to change the date/time of the appeal meeting, will be considered, up to 24 hours prior to the appeal meeting, after which time, failure of the student to attend will result in automatic dismissal.
- Should the date/time require adjustment, the appeal meeting must be held within three (3) school days of the original notified date/time fo the appeal meeting.
- Student need to change the date/time of the appeal meeting, will be considered, up to 24 hours prior to the appeal meeting, after which time, failure of the student to attend will result in automatic dismissal.
- Written notification of the date, time and location of the appeal meeting will be provided via homeroom to the student at least five (5) school days in advance, with the default meeting time to be 2:45 PM on a regular school day.
- Should the adviser(s) determine that dismissal is recommended, the Adviser(s) will report this recommendation to the Principal.
- The Principal - or designee of the Principal - will, at their sole discretion, approve or disapprove the dismissal, with or without meeting with the student. The Principal or designee will report their decision in writing via the Adviser(s) within five days. The Principal or designee, at their sole discretion, may request a meeting with the student, but is not obligated to meet with the student, and may act upon the report of the Adviser(s) without meeting with the student.
If the student's membership is retained after the five step process above, and then fails to maintain a 3.8 GPA for the third report card period, they are automatically removed from the National Honor Society.
Character, Service and Leadership
Continuing to demonstrate Character, Leadership, and Service is an expectation for continued membership in the NHS. Failure to demonstrate good character may result in probation, up to and including dismissal.
Students are to demonstrate character and leadership. This includes - but is not limited to - here at school, on field trips, at away games, or on social media. Evidence of wrongdoing by a member of the NHS will be presented to the RHS Dean of Students, if it is not already presented. The adviser(s) will be informed of RHS disciplinary issues of NHS members, and proceed accordingly.
With regards to service, a student who fails to attend the quota of meetings and service opportunities will be in jeopardy of losing their membership.
If a member should fail to maintain character, leadership, and service, as outlined in the application process, a three-step process is immediately initiated:
- The member must meet with the adviser(s) to appeal for continued membership. The adviser(s) will consider this evidence, and discuss further action with the student, up to and including dismissal.
- Written notification of the date, time and location of the appeal meeting will be provided via homeroom to the student at least five (5) school days in advance, with the default meeting time to be 2:45 PM on a regular school day.
- Student need to change the date/time of the appeal meeting, will be considered, up to 24 hours prior to the appeal meeting, after which time, failure of the student to attend will result in automatic dismissal.
- Should the date/time require adjustment, the appeal meeting must be held within three (3) school days of the original notified date/time fo the appeal meeting.
- Student need to change the date/time of the appeal meeting, will be considered, up to 24 hours prior to the appeal meeting, after which time, failure of the student to attend will result in automatic dismissal.
- Written notification of the date, time and location of the appeal meeting will be provided via homeroom to the student at least five (5) school days in advance, with the default meeting time to be 2:45 PM on a regular school day.
- Should the adviser(s) determine that dismissal is recommended, the Adviser(s) will report this recommendation to the Principal.
- The Principal - or designee of the Principal - will, at their sole discretion, approve or disapprove the dismissal, with or without meeting with the student. The Principal or designee will report their decision in writing via the Adviser(s) within five days. The Principal or designee, at their sole discretion, may request a meeting with the student, but is not obligated to meet with the student, and may act upon the report of the Adviser(s) without meeting with the student.
If the student's membership is retained after the three step process above, and then there is a continued failure to maintain character, leadership, and service, they are automatically removed from the National Honor Society. Grievous acts, such as cheating, bullying, fighting, drinking, drug use, or other major violations as laid out in the RHS Student Handbook, will result in dismissal with no appeal.
CHAPTER BYLAWS as of 06/05/2019
Section 1: The name of this organization shall be the National Honor Society of Radnor High School.
Section 2: The purpose of this organization shall be to: create enthusiasm for scholarship; to stimulate a desire to render service; to promote leadership; and to develop character in the students of Radnor High School.
Section 1: The Principal shall pay an annual affiliation fee as recommended by the NHS National Council and approved by the NASSP Board of Directors.
Section 2: The Principal shall reserve the right to approve all activities and decisions of the chapter.
Section 3: The Principal shall receive appeals in cases of non-selection of candidates, as well as the disciplining or dismissal of members.
Section 4: The Principal shall annually appoint a member or members of the faculty as chapter adviser(s).
Section 5: RHS Staff will volunteer as members of the Faculty Council committee to review and approve candidates for membership. The Faculty Council must consist of at least five (5) faculty members, not including the chapter advisor(s), for quorom.
Section 6: The chapter adviser(s) shall be responsible for the direct, day-to-day supervision of the chapter, and act as liaison between faculty, administration, students, and the community.
Section 7: The chapter adviser shall maintain clear records on membership, chapter history, activities, and financial transactions.
Section 8: The chapter advisor shall help the chapter student officers understand and carry outtheir duties and review the members for compliance with Society standards and obligations.
Section 9: The chapter adviser(s) shall be an ex-officio member(s) of the Faculty Council.
Section 1: Membership in the Society is an honor bestowed upon a student, as well as a responsibility. Selection for membership is based on outstanding scholarship, character, leadership, and service. Students selected for membership are expected to continue to demonstrate these qualities thorughout their high school career.
Section 2: Membership shall be known as active and graduate. Active members shall become graduate members at graduation. Graduate members shall have no voice or vote in chapter affairs.
Section 3: Candidates become members only when inducted at a ceremony.
Section 4: A National Honor Society member who transfers from another school and brings a letter from the former principal or chapter adviser to the new school adviser shall be accepted automatically as a member. Transfer members must meetRadnor’s chapter standards within one semester in order to retain membership
Section 5: Membership in the National Honor Society is a permanent condition unless a student’s performance falls below the academic, character, leadership, and or service standards by which he or she was selected.
Section 1: To be eligible for membership, a candidate musthave been in attendance at Radnor High School for one semester. Membership is open to qualified juniors and seniors who will be invited to submit information via application for use in determining membership.
Section 2: For transfer students in 12th grade, who are not members of NHS, Radnor’s principal should seek a recommendation from the previous school principal pursuant to the candidate’s selection. Based on the recommendations of the previous principal, the semester regulation may be waived.
Section 3: Criteria for membership shall be based on:
Scholarship - Candidates must have completed their sophomore year with the cumulative grade point average of 3.8 or better as identified by the Radnor HighSchool Guidance Department.
Character - Candidates must demonstrate elements of good character. A person of character demonstrates the following six qualities: respect, responsibility, trustworthiness, fairness, caring, and citizenship. The student of character:
- Takes criticism willingly and accepts recommendations graciously
- Consistently exemplifies desirable qualities of behavior
- Upholds principals of morality and ethics
- Cooperates by complying with school regulations concerning property, programs, office, hall, etc.
- Demonstrates the highest standards of honesty and reliability
- Regularly shows courtesy, concern, and respect for others
- Observes instruction and rules, is punctual, and faithful both inside and outside the classroom
- Has powers of concentration, self-discipline, and sustained attention as shown by perseverance and application of studies
- Manifests truthfulness in acknowledging obedience to rules, avoiding cheating in written work, and showing unwillingness to profit by the mistakes of others
- Actively helps rid the school of bad influences or environment
Leadership - Candidates must demonstrate leadership in school or community organizations. This leadership may be either elected positions or effective participation in extracurricular sports and activities. Students who exercise leadership:
- Is resourceful in making suggestions
- Demonstrates initiative in promoting school activities
- Exercises positive influence on peers in upholding school ideals
- Contributes ideas that improve the civic life of the school
- Exemplifies positive attitudes; inspires positive behavior in others; demonstrates academic initiative
- Successfully holds school offices or positions of responsibility
- Conducts business effectively and efficiently
- Demonstrates reliability and dependability
- Is a leader in the classroom, in work, and in other school or community activities
- Is willing to uphold scholarship and maintain a loyal school attitude
Service - Candidates must demonstrate service to the school or community. Such service is generally considered to be those actions undertaken by the student which are done with, or on the behalf of, others without direct financial or material compensation to the individual performing the service. The student who serves:
- Volunteers and provides dependable and well organizes assistance, is gladly available and is willing to sacrifice to offer assistance
- Works well with others and is willing to take on difficult or inconspicuous responsibilities
- Cheerfully and enthusiastically renders any request of service to the school
- Is willing to represent the school or the class in interscholastic competition
- Does committee and staff work without complaint
- Participates in service activity outside of school, for example Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, church groups, etc., or volunteers services for the elderly, poor, or disadvantaged
- Mentors persons in the community and/or students at other schools
- Shows courtesy by assisting visitors, teachers, and students of Radnor High School
Section 4: Required Student Information for Membership Consideration:
A candidate for membership must submit via application packet as designed and distributed from the faculty adviser(s), to the faculty adviser(s), no later than the date and time set forth by the adviser(s):
*All recommendations must be signed by the evaluator, and include clear and current contact information. Anonymous recommendations may not be used, nor may recommendations that have inaccurate contact information.
Completed student application is to be submitted to the faculty adviser, absolutely and unequivocally no later than the date and time set by the faculty adviser and clearly marked on the application, website, and all communications.
Upon completion of the application acceptance process, the candidates will be reviewed by the Faculty Council for the final selection of members based upon submitted applications.
Applications submitted after the date/time set forth by the faculty adviser(s) will not be considered. Incomplete or illegible applications will not be considered.
Section 5: Pursuant to Article III, Section 3, all Candidates selected by the Faculty Council only become Members during an induction ceremony and witnessed delivery of the NHS oath. The formal NHS Induction Ceremony is to take place in October. The Induction Ceremony is to be planned and organized by the faculty adviser(s), with input from the student leaders. Final approval of the programming is to be given by the Principal.
Students who miss the induction are not considered members, and must appeal to the Principal for an opportunity to take the oath.
Section 1: The procedure and criteria for discipline and/or dismissal from the National honor Society shall be set forth by the faculty adviser(s) and Principal, in compliance with the rules and regulations for the National Honor Society constitution. These procedures will be readily available for review publicly, alongside these Bylaws.
Due to the sensitive nature of discipline and dismissal procedures, dicsciplinary proceedings are private to the individual member, the faculty adviser(s), and the principal only, in accordance with The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) (20 U.S.C. § 1232g; 34 CFR Part 99).
Section 2: A member who has been dismissed may appeal under the same rules for disciplinary appeals in the Radnor Township School District.
Section 1: Mandatory meetings for all members shall occur as needed by the student officers and/or faculty advisers. The date, time, and location of mandatory meetings for all members will be communicated no less than five (5) school days from the date of said meeting.
Section 2: Non-mandatory and/or special meetings may be called to as needed.
Section 1: The officers of the Radnor chapter shall be: President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. In order to hold the office of President or Vice-President, a student may not be president of any other club.
Section 2: Officers shall be elected by the active members of the NHS Chapter.
Section 3: The executive committee shall consist of the officers of the chapter and the chapter adviser(s). The executive committee shall have general supervision of the affairs of the chapter. All actions and recommendations of the executive committee shall be subject to the review of the chapter membership via record and minutes.
Section 4: The executive committee shall bear responsibility for ensuring that chapter activities follow school policy.
Section 1: Each year the chapter shall determine possible service projects for the school year. Service projects willbe determined by the officers, advisor, and principal. The principal has the right to approve ordeny all activities.
Section 2: All members shall have the opportunity to participate in approved National Honor Society projects approved.
Section 3: These projects shall have the following characteristics: Fulfill a need within the school or community; have the support of the administration and the faculty; be appropriate and educationally defensible; be well planned, organized, andexecuted.
Section 4: Each member shall have the responsibility for choosing and participating in volunteer projects that reflects his or her particular talents and interests. This is in addition to the chapter projects to which all members contribute. Second year members must complete 18 hours per year (9 hours during the first semester and 9 hours during the second semester) and first year members must complete 15 hours (6 hours during the frist semester and 9 hours during the second semester..
Section 5: The chapter shall publicize its projects in a positive manner.
Section 1:The National Honor Society of Radnor High School shall function under the national constitution as developed by the NHS National Council
Section 2: These bylaws are intended to implement the national constitution as set forth by the NHS National Council. The constituion may be referenced for all concerns, questions, and appeals. The NHS National Council does not accept direct appeal or complaint regarding local chapters.
Section 1: Revisions to the bylaws shall be drafted and approved by an ad-hoc bylaws revision committee. The committee will consist of the Principal or designee; adviser(s); and student officers. The Principal retains power of two votes if needed to override possible impasse of a tie.
Section 2: An approved amendment as detailed pursuant to Section 1 of this Article is then to be submitted to active and current members of the chapter for reviewand discussion. The proposed amendment must be passed by a two-thirds vote of the chapter in order for it to be adopted.
Section 3: Article IV of these bylaws dealing with procedures selection, disciplining and dismissal of members can be altered only specially-appointed facultyrevision committee on Society membership (Input from the chapter is allowed).
- Two character recommendations*
- Two service recommendations*
- One Leadership recommendation
- One Personal Statement
Service Opportunities
As part of their induction into the National Honor Society, students pledged to provide hours of service to others. The NHS Advisers and Officers post opportunities to achieve required service hours in the NHS Schoology group. All NHS members should have been added to the group. If you have not, contact Aaron Kim.
Does Your Organization Have a Need for Assistance?
As part of the induction into the National Honor Society, Members pledged to provide hours of legitimate and meaningful service to others. We welcome your organization's Service Opportunity for our students!
The NHS Adviser and Officers will post opportunities for our Members on your behalf on Schoology. If you are interested, please email Aaron Kim.