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Class of 2025 Post Prom Party

Radnor High School’s Post-Prom Party is a free annual event in a safe and contained environment at the high school immediately following the senior prom. 

Our school is magically transformed by volunteers into a spectacular, fun, themed atmosphere with games, music, activities, food, and prizes.

Each year, the event is a huge success making unforgettable memories with more than 95% of the senior class attending.  The event is FREE for all RHS seniors (and their dates) to attend.

Post Prom Party Details
  • Students arrive to the RHS Main Entrance immediately after Prom (Saturday, May 17th from 11:30 pm - 3:00 am)
  • Students change into casual, comfortable clothes.
  • All seniors and their dates are expected to stay the entire time. No one can re-enter.
  • Bags will be checked at the entrance and returned at the end of the night.


We are in urgent need of teams for three spaces. Without volunteers, the spaces will be closed off to our kids.
Grab some friends and put a team together. No special talents are needed,  we will help you. sign up here 

  Donate Prizes
Every senior attending the Post Prom receives raffle tickets, and we need help in supplying great prizes for them to win!
  • Donate “big-ticket” prizes that will be given out at the end of the night. Every student’s name is entered into the drawing for a chance to win these prizes. Things like a GoPro, Airpods, Bluetooth speakers, etc. Anything a graduating senior might enjoy!
  • Donate a gift basket or items to be included in gift baskets. if you (or a friend or business owner you know) would like to donate a gift basket or items, including gift cards, that can be included in the gift baskets, that would be really helpful! Anything goes here—please feel free to create a gift basket of your own or assemble one. We have a committee working on securing items from local businesses for the baskets, but you might have items or know of businesses we haven’t thought of, so please reach out if you can help!
  • Donate gift cards: we need lots of gift cards to use as Cash Cube prizes.



This student event is not funded by Radnor Township School District or Radnor High School. Therefore, we need the support of our family and business communities to keep the Post-Prom event FREE to our students and dates.
Ways to give:


Print out the Sponsorship Form and mail check to:
Radnor High School
130 King of Prussia Road
Radnor, PA 19087
ATTN: Post-Prom 2025
Make check payable to 'RHS Post-Prom Party'


Venmo donation to @Brooke-Smith-00

Please indicate how you like your name/company name to appear




One of the many highlights of Post Prom is the Memory Wall. The walls of RHS are transformed with pictures of our seniors throughout their 12 school years. 
  • Try to find photos of groups of kids (no individual photos); does not have to be events that took place at school (can be sports events, parties, outings, etc.)
  •  Print and submit your photos (minimum of 10-20 photos from each family, but more are welcome!). We need all students to be included.
  • Submit printed 8x10 color photos on regular copy paper, NO PHOTO PAPER - Fed Ex and Staples offer printing services
  • Please trim the white borders off of the photos, this is key
  • Submit printed photos via a box at the RHS Main Office from February 12th to  April 18, 2025


Class of 2025 Yard Signs Coming Soon....





THANK YOU for your support of this important event and your commitment to the safety of our children. Our seniors are so lucky to have this post-prom option and we appreciate your generosity!

Thank you to our 2025 Sponsors

Radnor Post-Prom Party Committee