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Wall of Honor

The Radnor High School "Wall of Honor" is a permanent memorial located in the school's lobby that commemorates the 57 Radnor High School students who made the ultimate sacrifice for our country.

Completely funded by donations and unveiled on May 26 and 27, 2016, the memorial includes a plaque, a mounted interactive touchscreen where visitors can learn more about each of the inductees, and a flag box for each brave veteran from RHS who lost his or her life in conflict.

The idea for the Wall of Honor was born in one of RHS’s Senior Seminar classes during the 2014-15 school year. With the help of Marty Costello, Commander of Delaware County for the American Legion, the project grew into a labor of love for staff members, alumni, local veterans and community members. RHS students researched the inductees' lives and histories to create short films on each inductee that are accessible via the touchscreen.

More Information/Video Coverage

Do you have biographical or other information about any of these inductees or believe we may be missing a Radnor High School student who died in combat? Please email

Wall of Honor Logo

Visit the Wall of Honor

Interested in touring the Radnor High School Wall of Honor? Contact Theji Brennan.


Please consider a donation of any amount toward the maintenance of the RHS Wall of Honor and future public events. Checks can be made out to "RHS Wall of Honor" and sent to Radnor High School (130 King of Prussia Road, Radnor, PA 19087).