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Radnor Musicians Perform Outdoor Concerts for Community

This October, Radnor Township School District orchestra students performed in a series of outdoor concerts for friends, family, and community members.

Members of the Radnor High School string ensemble performed on October 20 at The Willows Park and members of the Ithan, Radnor, and Wayne 5th-grade orchestra and Radnor Middle School 6th-grade orchestra performed on October 28 at Radnor Middle School.

The RTSD orchestra groups are led by Nora McDonald, Anna Ivanenko, and Tatyana Oksyuk.

For photos of both performances and a full recording of the RHS concert, view the "Radnor Musicians Perform Outdoor Concerts for Community" photo story created using Adobe Spark.

View Photo Story

  • Concerts
  • Events
  • Ithan Elementary School
  • Music
  • Orchestra
  • Radnor Elementary School
  • Radnor Middle School
  • Wayne Elementary School
Two students wearing masks playing the violin outdoors on a basketball court