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Message from Principal MacNamara: REF Educator Impact Award Nominations

When former Radnor High School Principal Mark Schellenger retired in 2015, the Radnor Educational Foundation (REF) wanted to do something special to recognize his dedication to the school district and his devotion to students at Radnor High School. REF concluded that the best way to honor Principal Schellenger would be to create an annual award that would be given to an educator at Radnor High School who exemplifies Principal Schellenger’s dedication to making our students’ high school experience positive and rewarding.

Every day at Radnor High School caring adults make a difference in the lives of our students. While they may not always know it, the positive impression on the lives of Radnor students is real and significant. The REF Educator Impact Award allows us to recognize the noteworthy contributions of an individual who is involved, displays a caring demeanor, and consistently puts the needs of students first.

Instructions for Nomination:

  • Candidates may be nominated by a student, parent, colleague, or administrator.
  • Nominees must be a current employee of the Radnor Township School District assigned to Radnor High School.
  • Please provide a brief write-up of why this employee has impacted your time here at Radnor High School.

All nominations are due by 5:00 PM on Friday, May 3. Nominations can be turned into the Radnor High School main office in a sealed envelope between 8:30 AM and 3:00 PM Monday through Friday. Envelopes should denote REF Educator Impact Award. Nominations may also be emailed to Judy Robert at Please provide the subject in the e-mail as REF Educator Impact Award.

Incomplete or late nomination forms will be disqualified.

The winner will be presented with an award at an all-school assembly on Thursday, May 23rd, and will also be allotted $500 to earmark towards any RHS student group, club, or activity.

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to Dr. MacNamara.