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Introducing the New Official "Raptors" and "R" Logos for RHS and RMS

Radnor High School and Radnor Middle School are proud to unveil the new official Radnor Raptors”"bird of prey" logo as well as an official standalone “R” logo inspired by the design of the “R” logo currently used by many school teams and groups.

View the new official logosView the logo reveal video

All new official logos are available for use by teams and groups upon district approval per Board policy. Also available are existing district and school seals. Maroon and white are the traditional school colors represented in the logos; gray is an accent color in the "bird of prey" logo.

To request use of any of the logos and/or seals, please visit the Branding and Logo Use page where you can find the Radnor Township School District Logo Request Form to complete and submit. A Q&A that provides an overview of usage guidelines and related information on the new official logos can be found here. 

The new official logos are accompanied by a new official font that can be used to spell out team and group names upon request. Also available are new official crests for RHS and RMS. The new RHS and RMS crests do not replace the traditional RHS “Knowledge Increaseth Wisdom” seal or the RMS “Initials” seal but provide another option to stakeholders.

As approved by the School Board in April 2021, Varsity Brands LLC designed the new official logos. The design process formally began in early July 2021 after the “Raptors” mascot was approved by the Board on June 29, 2021 following the results of surveys of 8th-12th grade students on June 11 and 14. 

With input from RHS and RMS student representatives, the bird of prey logo evolved from 10 initial sketches provided by Varsity in late July 2021 to six sketches to the final version. Student representatives also provided feedback on the logo's color scheme and the font's design.

As a district, we are committed to building on the pride and spirit in our students and schools and are excited to move forward as One Radnor!

  • Radnor High School
  • Radnor Middle School
Sample of %22R%22 and Bird of Prey Logos