Academic Honor Code
The Radnor Township School District community holds the pursuit of knowledge in high regard. To support this pursuit, we believe that honesty, integrity, respect, and responsibility must be present among students, teachers, administrators, and parents/guardians. The Academic Honor Code (Board Policy No. 106) outlines basic requirements and responsibilities and is to be used to guide principle conduct in academic performance.
Each year, Honor Council members and other nominated student leaders travel to homerooms to discuss this document and, more importantly, the concepts behind Academic Honor. One of the keys was to consider ways that a student put in an uncomfortable situation can make the right choice to do the honorable thing. Practical matters like this, to support students as they try to make the honorable choice, rank high in RHS's priorities for the Academic Honor Code.
- Principles of the Radnor High School Community
- Expectations of the Radnor High School Community
- Definitions of Offenses
- Student Requirements and Prohibitions
- Consequences for Student Offenses against the Academic Honor Code